Guia Del Golfo

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Libros de Amanda Quick (2 libros)

Amantes y Sabuesos

Libro Amantes y Sabuesos

Together again in Regency England, Tobias March and his mesmerizing partner, Lavinia Lake, accept an invitation to a country house party at Beaumont castle hoping for some much needed rest and relaxation, only to find themselves involved in a murderous and mysterious weekend. A murder is committed at the castle, and Lake and March launch their investigations. They fervently pursue their leads—and each other—that take them from society’s most elegant haunts and most discreet hideaways to London’s shadiest back streets. Una invitación a una fiesta campestre en el castillo de Beaumont...

El Tercer Circulo = The Third Circle

Libro El Tercer Circulo = The Third Circle

Leona Hewitt, disfrazada con ropas masculinas, se ha colado en el museo privado de Lord Delbridge en busca de una reliquia robada a su familia. Pero alguien más está en la galería apenas iluminada, un hombre alto, vestido de negro y con una voz que la hac