Guia Del Golfo

Gran directorio de libros en multiples formatos EPUB, PDF, MOBI

Libros de F. Isabel Campoy (4 libros)

Tablado de doña Rosita

Libro Tablado de doña Rosita

In the Curtains Up! experience, young talent and their delighted audience will realize the importance of telling the truth and working together. This collection includes theatrical versions of "The Rainbow's Nap" and "Puss in Boots," along with Rubén Dario's wonderful creation "Margarita."

El nuevo hogar de los siete cabritos

Libro El nuevo hogar de los siete cabritos

La señora Cabra y sus cabritos contratan al arquitecto Don Cerdo que les planee una casa nueva y grande. Cuando la casa está hecha, van a mueblerías y compran todo lo que necesitan para su hogar. Después van a un restaurante a comer.


Libro Pimpón

Presents poetry by the editors and by poets from Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Argentina, along with traditional verse.

Mi Dia de La A A La Z

Libro Mi Dia de La A A La Z

An enchanting illustrated ABC book about a child's daily activities at home and school that can also be used to learn and practice telling time. Its parallel English-language companion edition is available from Alfaguara/Santillana as well.