Informe Anual 2017 del Fondo Monetario Internacional
Cómo reactivar el crecimiento mundial a partir del comercio, la productividad, la reducción de la desigualdad y el empodramiento ecnonómico de la mujer.
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Cómo reactivar el crecimiento mundial a partir del comercio, la productividad, la reducción de la desigualdad y el empodramiento ecnonómico de la mujer.
Sound macroeconomic policies are key to improving market sentiment and smoothing the political transition. Implementation of structural reforms has been disappointing. The introduction of a further stay on mortgage foreclosures sends a highly negative signal about the protection of creditor rights. Continuation of a prudent fiscal policy will be the first challenge for the new administration. A cautious easing of monetary policy appears warranted given recent price and exchange rate trends. The new administration faces enormous challenges in advancing toward an appropriately comprehensive...
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