Guia Del Golfo

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Libros de Jon Scieszka (3 libros)

Tu mamá era Neanderthal

Libro Tu mamá era Neanderthal

Pacho, Beto y Sergio, tres inesperables amigos, son poseedores de un libro mágico que los lleva a otros tiempos. En cada viaje, la historia se repite: se enfrentan a horrorosos peligros, se divierten a montones y, finalmente, se salvan por un pelo. Esta vez, el viaje es a la Prehistoria, donde conocerán a unas interesantes chicas y les ayudaran a que no están tan solas.

La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos

Libro La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos

You thought you knew the story of the “The Three Little Pigs”… You thought wrong. In this Spanish translation of the hysterical and clever fracture fairy tale picture book that twists point of view and perspective, young readers will finally hear the other side of the story of “The Three Little Pigs.” “In this humorous story, Alexander T. Wolf tells his own outlandish version of what really happens during his encounter with the three pigs…. Smith's simplistic and wacky illustrations add to the effectiveness of this fractured fairy tale.”—Children’s Literature Here,...

La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos!

Libro La verdadera historia de los tres cerditos!

The wolf gives his own outlandish version of what really happened when he tangled with the three little pigs.