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365 Cuentos Y Rimas Para Ninos

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Libro 365 Cuentos Y Rimas Para Ninos

Explore the magic and wonder of storytelling with this beautifully illustrated classic treasury padded keepsake book especially for boys. Young readers will be whisked away to 365 new and exciting adventures all paired with gorgeous illustrations and lively text perfect for keeping little ones engaged and entertained. An enchanting favorite kiddos will love! Bond with your child through family storytime and strengthen a love for books and reading Short tales allow adults to adjust how many stories and how much time to spend reading every day Classic stories and rhymes included: The Three Little Pigs, The Billy Goats Gruff, Hickory Dickory Dock, and more Gorgeous illustrations and beautifully written tales will create a smile from ear to ear Collect all titles available in the padded treasury book collection This edition is printed in Spanish

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Total de páginas 384


  • Parragon Books


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