Guia Del Golfo

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Charlas de Sobremesa

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Charlas de Sobremesa

Aimed at third-year students of Spanish, this book fills a need not met by other Spanish conversation textbooks. It facilitates lively and meaningful conversations via a variety of texts, including newspaper and journal articles, short stories, and passages from novels, as well as visual material and detailed guides for three films and novels. The texts have universal resonance and are designed to complement and enrich each other. A wide assortment of creative activities enhances comprehension, analysis, spontaneous discussion, and role-playing. The book includes online resources for each chapter. An online Instructor's Manual is also available.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Conversación en español

Total de páginas 468


  • Teresa Carballal
  • Teresa Carballal Doob
  • Margarita Groeger Ribas


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