Guia Del Golfo

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Como las mariposas (Being Like Butterflies)

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Libro Como las mariposas (Being Like Butterflies)

What do solar panels, waterproof clothing, and window coverings have in common? They are technologies that have been adapted based on studying butterflies! Learn what scientists have learned from butterflies with this Spanish book that will ignite a curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this STEAM book features a hands-on STEAM challenge that is perfect for makerspaces and that guides students step-by-step through the engineering design process. Make STEAM career connections with career advice from actual Smithsonian employees working in STEAM fields. Perfect for English language learners, this book introduces science topics to young readers.

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Más obras de Dona Herweck Rice

El león y el ratón (The Lion and the Mouse)

Libro El león y el ratón (The Lion and the Mouse)

While a mighty lion sleeps, a small mouse runs up its back and gets tangled in its mane. The lion is angry. No one should disturb the king of the beasts! The lion says that it will eat the mouse. But the mouse pleads for its life. The mouse claims that one day it may be able to save the life of the lion. The lion laughs at that. How could a tiny mouse save a mighty lion? But the lion decides to free the mouse anyway. Later, the lion is caught in a hunter's net. The lion cannot escape. Can the mouse save the lion from the hunter's trap?

Diversión y juegos: Recreo: Resolución de problemas (Fun and Games: Recess: Problem Solving)

Libro Diversión y juegos: Recreo: Resolución de problemas (Fun and Games: Recess: Problem Solving)

Recess is a time to go outside, have fun, and play. Spend some time problem solving to make sure everyone has fun at recess! This Spanish math book combines math and reading skills and uses real-life examples of problem solving to teach subject-area content. The dynamic images, detailed sidebars, practice problems, and math diagrams make learning problem solving easy and fun. Text features include a table of contents, a glossary, an index, and captions to build vocabulary and increase understanding of math and reading concepts. An in-depth problem-solving section provides additional learning...

Cómo se hacen los crayones (Making Crayons)

Libro Cómo se hacen los crayones (Making Crayons)

Learn how crayons are made with this fun and informative STEAM book! Perfect for kindergarteners, this title makes it easy for parents and teachers to introduce STEAM to their youngest learners. Created in collaboration with Smithsonian, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to make STEAM topics easier to understand. It features an age-appropriate STEAM activity that is ideal for makerspaces and introduces English language learners to the steps of the engineering design process. It helps beginning readers learn to read and is ideal for children ages 4-6.

La ropa nueva del emperador (The Emperor's New Clothes) (Spanish Version)

Libro La ropa nueva del emperador (The Emperor's New Clothes) (Spanish Version)

A vain emperor is put in an embarrassing situation when two tricky tailors take advantage of his vanity and make him clothes that are supposedly only visible to people who are fit for their jobs. Unwilling to look incapable by admitting that he sees nothing, he walks in a parade in just his underwear! Luckily, a bold child tells the truth about the emperor's new clothes. This script features roles translated into Spanish and written to match different reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. By utilizing differentiation strategies, teachers can...

Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

QuŽ es un consejo municipal?

Libro QuŽ es un consejo municipal?

Learn all about the leaders in local government. Find out the duties of a city council, its role in making city laws, and groups a city council works with to help run the city.


Libro Vocales

¡Otra vez se ha perdido Gocú! El gatito se subió a un globo aerostático que lo lleva de paseo por las vocales. Cada vocal ofrece divertidísimas actividades para los recién iniciados en el proceso de alfabetización (a partir de los 4 años).

Aprender Sobre La Energía Geotérmica (Finding Out about Geothermal Energy)

Libro Aprender Sobre La Energía Geotérmica (Finding Out about Geothermal Energy)

¿Sabías que la gente puede excavar y utilizar el calor de la Tierra para producir energía? Esta energía geotérmica puede alimentar tu computadora y calentar o enfriar tu hogar. Pero, ¿cómo se obtiene exactamente? ¿Y cuál es el impacto sobre el medioambiente? Lee este libro para aprender todo sobre la energía geotérmica. Did you know people can dig underground and use Earth's heat to make energy? This geothermal energy can power your computer and heat or cool your home. How exactly do we get it, though? And what is the impact on our environment? Read this book to find out all about...

Que veinte años no es nada

Libro Que veinte años no es nada

El famoso escritor Cósimo Herrera, eterno candidato a un Nobel que no llega nunca, decide retirarse a Ribanova, una pequeña ciudad de provincias apartada y brumosa. Allí conocerá a Luisa, una muchacha veinte años más joven, y que desde el primer momento sentirá por el forastero un amor tan apasionado como imposible.

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