Guia Del Golfo

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Consequences of Living an Ungovernable Life

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Consequences of Living an Ungovernable Life

I woke up one day, my body in pain because of all the punches and kicks I had received, my lips full of stitches, my eyes swollen and with black circles from all the hits. Then I saw myself in the mirror, "This cannot be!" I told myself. I wondered why I needed to be in such conditions. Then I started to reconsider and look back at my past, and asked myself what I had gotten from that character I had and realized it had brought me nothing good. Furthermore, I wasted too many years of my life and that, precisely, is what I would like you to avoid. You've spent several years of suffering because you did not know how to live, just like I threw away all those years. I already lived that, and it is definitely not nice to live an ungovernable life. Praised be to God, for I have changed, and I am entirely different. If I could change my life, you can do it too. We are all children of a loving God. I sought an opportunity, and I got it. It came with a smile and told me, "I am here, right by your side. Let's move forward because life is a battle."

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Total de páginas 85


  • Macario Morales


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