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Desde el corazon del mundo

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Desde el corazon del mundo

This beautiful gift book of Mother Teresa's writings is a powerful portrait of one of the most beloved women of all time, told in her own words, filled with a fascinating blend of daily life experiences, prayers, and spiritual wisdom. Readers will turn these pages and follow Mother Teresa into the desperate corners of India, Australia, and New York, in her extraordinary and selfless work with the 'poorest of the poor.' They can listen as she offers pearls of spiritual wisdom as relevant today as they were when she first began her ministry 65 years ago. They will contemplate an exemplary life that was driven by the compelling desire to help those less fortunate than herself, often at great personal sacrifice. This small, elegant gift book is divided into three sections: Thoughts, Stories, and Prayers. Throughout these sections, Mother Teresa speaks on compassion, silence, joy, contemplation, generosity, sacrifice, and the spiritual strength that guided this diminutive heroine along the steep and rocky paths she chose to pursue. In the Heart of the World bears indisputable testimony to the influence of someone completely dedicated to a life of love and service.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Pensamientos, anecdotas, y oraciones In the Heart of the World, Spanish-Language Edition

Total de páginas 112


  • Mother Teresa


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