Guia Del Golfo

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¡Hang Ten! Surf

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Libro ¡Hang Ten! Surf

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Find out what surfers need to know to have fun and stay safe in the water in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! Invite readers to learn about the history of surfing, surfing culture, what equipment is needed, and more using vibrant images and informational text in conjunction with math skills and upper-level features such as chapter format, a glossary of terms, and an index.

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Titulo Alternativo : Read Along or Enhanced eBook



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Más obras de Christine Dugan

¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?) (Spanish Version)

Libro ¿Dónde va tu dinero? (Where Does Your Money Go?) (Spanish Version)

Discover the different ways that people spend, save, and budget their money. Readers are introduced to important personal financial aspects such as savings accounts, budgets, budget analysis, credit and debit cards, and taxes. Through Spanish-translated informational text, vivid photos, and helpful graphs and charts that assist in implementing mathematical skills such as percentages, readers will be encouraged to save and spend their money wisely and responsibly.

Muchas manos ayudan (Many Helping Hands) (Spanish Version)

Libro Muchas manos ayudan (Many Helping Hands) (Spanish Version)

Act out this story of many helpful family, friends, and neighbors! After Mario's family gets in a car accident, his mom breaks her leg! Although she is going to be fine, the family will need a lot of extra help during her time of need. The many helpful characters in this Spanish-translated script give readers a fantastic example of the importance of doing good deeds! This script includes roles written at various reading levels, allowing teachers to implement differentiation strategies. This feature allows teachers to assign each role based on their students' individual reading levels,...

Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

Cultivar plantas en el espacio

Libro Cultivar plantas en el espacio

¿Alguna vez has oído hablar de un granjero espacial? Los agricultores espaciales son astronautas que han recibido una formación especial para aprender a cultivar plantas en el espacio exterior. Aprenda sobre el desafío de la agricultura en el espacio ultraterrestre con este libro STEAM de gran interés creado en colaboración con la Institución Smithsonian. Presenta un desafío STEAM práctico que es perfecto para espacios de creación y que guía a los estudiantes paso a paso a través del proceso de diseño de ingeniería. Establezca conexiones profesionales en STEAM con el...

Valores sociales

Libro Valores sociales

Highlighting the increasing loss of values that modern society is suffering, a unique guide teaches the attributes of tolerance, communication, respect, and equality--keys to a happier coexistence and life.

El Héroe de Las Eras

Libro El Héroe de Las Eras

Camile, Deirdre, Edith y Leonor son las protagonistas de la saga rom�ntica ambientada en la �poca Victoriana Las feas tambi�n los enamoran, cuatro historias que demuestran que el amor se rige por su propia l�gica. En la era victoriana Camile, Deirdre, Edith y Leonor, unas protagonistas f�sicamente imperfectas, son capaces de sobreponerse a los prejuicios de la sociedad, de cuyos est�ndares de belleza est�n alejadas. Como cualquier mujer, sienten, aman y sufren, pero para alcanzar la felicidad deber�n vencer obst�culos como la terquedad, el resentimiento o las inseguridades,...

Cynthia Ann Parker

Libro Cynthia Ann Parker

Cynthia Ann Parkers family moved to Central Texas when she was about nine years old. A year later, a large force of Comanche warriors attacked Fort Parker and seized Cynthia Ann and four other captives. The other four were eventually released, but she lived among the Indians for 25 years, immersed in the Comanche way of life. Though given a number of opportunities to go back to her white family, she always chose her life with the Comanche, choosing instead to stay with her husband and children. She eventually returned to white society as an adult.

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