Guia Del Golfo

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Jane Goodall (Spanish Version) 6-Pack

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Libro Jane Goodall (Spanish Version) 6-Pack

Jane Goodall had a passion to learn about animals. Readers will learn all about her adventurous life among chimpanzees and other primates in this inspiring, Spanish-translated nonfiction biographical title. Children will be fascinated by the vibrant images, stimulating facts, and accessible glossary that will assist in vocabulary improvement. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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Total de páginas 32



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Los asteroides y los cometas (Asteroids and Comets) 6-Pack

Libro Los asteroides y los cometas (Asteroids and Comets) 6-Pack

Asteroids and comets shoot straight through space. They just look like bright lights with tails, but there is much more to these fascinating objects! Learn all about asteroids and comets in this Spanish-translated book. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Nuestro sol (Our Sun)

Libro Nuestro sol (Our Sun)

The sun gives us warmth and light. It makes the seasons change. Our sun is very important! Learn about the sun with this engaging Spanish science reader. With easy-to-read text, this book teaches students important scientific concepts and vocabulary. Aligned to state and national standards, the book contains nonfiction text features like an index, a glossary, captions, bold font, and detailed images to keep students connected to the text. A hands-on science experiment helps students apply what they have learned and develops critical thinking skills.

Los huracanes (Hurricanes) 6-Pack

Libro Los huracanes (Hurricanes) 6-Pack

Hurricanes plague the tropics from June through November. Some years bring just a handful of storms. Other years, meteorologists run out of names because there are so many. In this Spanish title, readers learn how and where these storms form and the dangers they pose to the land and people who live in Gulf and Atlantic coast regions. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

La Tierra y la luna (Earth and Moon)

Libro La Tierra y la luna (Earth and Moon)

Learn about the Earth and the Moon with this engaging Spanish science reader. With easy-to-read text, this book teaches students important scientific concepts and vocabulary including the phases of the Moon, the movement of the Earth around the sun, and the rotation of the Earth. Aligned to state and national standards, the book contains nonfiction text features like an index, a glossary, captions, bold font, and detailed images to keep students connected to the text. A hands-on science experiment helps students apply what they have learned and develops critical thinking skills.

Viaje hacia la libertad financiera

Libro Viaje hacia la libertad financiera

Con el e-Book de VIAJE HACIA LA LIBERTAD FINANCIERA podrá incorporar buenas prácticas de la frugalidad para conquistar deudas y seguir disfrutando de la vida. Es cierto que ser frugal significa hacer cambios en la distribución de gastos. Puede que incluso tenga que renunciar a algunas cosas que disfruta, pero la buena noticia es que puede ser frugal y disfrutar de su vida a la vez. ¡Estas dos cosas no son mutuamente excluyentes! Esta guía le enseñará cómo puede ahorrar dinero, vivir dentro de sus posibilidades y aun así aprovechar lo que la vida tiene para ofrecer.

El niño de los pies zambos

Libro El niño de los pies zambos

"El niño de los pies zambos" es el ejemplo, por desgracia, de lo que tienen que sufrir numerosas mujeres en la sociedad actual. María, su protagonista, lucha diariamente con los contratiempos que la vida le va imponiendo, con la principal motivación de salvaguardar a sus dos pequeños, que sufren el maltrato y el abandono de su padre. Manuel Morera, tras el éxito obtenido con su primera publicación, "Manolín ya es un hombre", nos vuelve a demostrar su habilidad para describir situaciones cotidianas de manera fácil y espontánea, enganchándote y atrapándote hasta el final.

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