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Make Key Stage 3 Matter in English

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Libro Make Key Stage 3 Matter in English

The KS3 curriculum plays a critical part in giving students the best possible start to their secondary education and preventing the need for intervention later on. This timely book provides detailed guidance on how to develop a robust, multifaceted, inclusive and challenging KS3 curriculum in English that provides a secure and progressive link between KS2 and KS4. Featuring examples of curriculum models and audits of current practice, chapters cover key topics such as: developing the planning cycle; transitioning between primary and secondary English; assessment in KS3 English; creating a model that supports and challenges students of all levels; LAC and SPAG: divisive or cohesive abbreviations; speaking and listening in the KS3 English curriculum; using multimodal texts; examples of how meaningful homework can successfully embed itself in a KS3 English curriculum model. Make Key Stage 3 Matter in English will be an invaluable resource for KS3 English coordinators, teachers and all those involved in the planning and delivery of the KS3 English curriculum.

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Total de páginas 126


  • Liz Hillier


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