Guia Del Golfo

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Mira Los Dos Lados

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Libro Mira Los Dos Lados

Simple text and photographs introduce the concept of symmetry as displayed by familiar creatures and objects.

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Total de páginas 20


  • Elena Martin


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39 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Historia de la decadencia y caída del Imperio Romano. Tomo IV

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Libro Ingeniería asombrosa: Juguetes: Partición de figuras

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Cómo ayudar a un amigo que está siendo intimidado (Helping a Friend Who Is Being Bullied)

Libro Cómo ayudar a un amigo que está siendo intimidado (Helping a Friend Who Is Being Bullied)

A 2014 report by the US Department of Education found that 22 percent of students ages twelve to eighteen had experienced bullying. This cogent narrative provides readers with supportive methods to help a friend who is being bullied and to promote a bully-free learning environment at school. Physical, social, psychological, and verbal bullying are examined, as well as cyberbulling. Readers discover the consequences of bullying both as a target and as a bystander. They also consider ways to intervene in a bullying situation, how to seek adult help, and how to be empowered and recover from...

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