Guia Del Golfo

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Se que estas aqui/ I Know You're Here

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Libro Se que estas aqui/ I Know You're Here

A car accident left Elsa in a coma. One day Thibault enters the room and starts talking to her without waiting for an answer. Everyone is convinced that she is unconscious, but she's begun to hear and understand what is happening around her. As everybody have given up hope for recovery, Thibault is engaging a relationship with her.

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Total de páginas 232


  • Clélie Avit


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Libro El Vuelo de la Razón

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Cynthia Ann Parker

Libro Cynthia Ann Parker

Cynthia Ann Parkers family moved to Central Texas when she was about nine years old. A year later, a large force of Comanche warriors attacked Fort Parker and seized Cynthia Ann and four other captives. The other four were eventually released, but she lived among the Indians for 25 years, immersed in the Comanche way of life. Though given a number of opportunities to go back to her white family, she always chose her life with the Comanche, choosing instead to stay with her husband and children. She eventually returned to white society as an adult.

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