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Super Kawaii. El Arte Japones de Para Dibujar Criaturas Monas

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Libro Super Kawaii. El Arte Japones de Para Dibujar Criaturas Monas

Kawaii: How to Draw Really Cute Animals teaches you how to draw almost 100 different creatures in an adorable manner. Don't believe seagulls and stingrays can be cute? Think again! You don't need any specialist tools or materials to start drawing cute stuff: all you need is a biro or marker pen, then you're ready to go! In her latest book, artist and illustrator Angela Nguyen starts by teaching you the essential techniques of kawaii through quick and easy exercises on the basic shapes, effects and style. From there, jump straight into drawing the myriad beasts - small and big - you can find inside the book, from household pets to the exotic animals in the seas and skies. The clear and easy-to-follow step-by-step diagrams are great for visual learners, and make following the instructions for your kawaii critters a breeze. As a brand new addition to this series, interactive pages have been included to encourage you to get drawing straight away, and practice alongside Angela's examples. A perfect book for beginners - add cute-appeal to your furry 'n' feathered companions in no time at all! The other title in the series is the incredibly popular Kawaii: How to Draw Really Cute Stuff.

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Total de páginas 128



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