Guia Del Golfo

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¡A hacer manualidades! / We Do Crafts!

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Libro ¡A hacer manualidades! / We Do Crafts!

"No matter what the weather's like outside, crafts are an easy and fun way to spend an afternoon. Whether painting with friends or making flowers out of paper, crafts can turn the day into an awesome adventure. Using simple craft supplies like paper and drawing tools, even the youngest of children can find engaging ways to play. With the help of accessible text paired with colorful photographs, early readers will experience the creative world of arts and crafts."

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Total de páginas 24


  • Leonard Atlantic


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23 Valoraciones Totales

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El Frente Polisario pretende crear un estado independiente en el Sahara Occidental. La comunidad internacional no puede aceptar una idea asi. Ese pretendido estado, situado en el limite occidental del Sahel, seria penetrado con gran facilidad por Al Qaeda en el Magreb Islamico junto a sus grupos secuaces dedicados a actividades criminales internacionales organizadas. Frente a ello la propuesta del Reino de Marruecos de un Estatuto de Autonomia, se ofrece como la mejor solucion, especialmente desde la perspectiva de la seguridad internacional, y responde a los anhelos de la poblacion Saharaui. ...

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Libro Frida

When her mother was worn out from caring for her five sisters, her father gave her lessons in brushwork and color. When polio kept her bedridden for nine months, drawing saved her from boredom. When a bus accident left her in unimaginable agony, her paintings expressed her pain and depression - and eventually, her joys and her loves. Over and over again, Frida Kahlo turned the challenges of her life into art. Now Jonah Winter and Ana Juan have drawn on both the art and the life to create a playful, insightful tribute to one of the twentieth century's most influential artists. Viva Frida!

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