El arte de meter la pata / The Art of Screwed Up
Sinopsis del Libro

The blunders are like a black box which allows us to know the deficit of authority in our lives. With humor and without complexes, through reflection, stories with familiar characters and daily life stories, this book reviews the “geography of mistake” to show an opportunity of freedom and emotional rescue. The blunders are not a personal problem but a collective bad habit which is the result of a wrong society that has neither projects nor course. They are the symptom of a time when it is not very difficult to make a mistake because we are immersed in the “logic of supermarket” where everything is worth, if it can be bought, where no decision seems to be the right one. But things are changing. Without leaders or headquarters, many people are having power over their lives and establishing new meaning relationships family sex, friendship, leisure, work, economy or consumptionLas meteduras de pata no son un problema personal, sino un vicio colectivo resultado de una sociedad equivocada, sin rumbo y carente de proyecto; el síntoma de unos tiempos en los que es muy difícil no pifiarla, sumergidos en la «lógica del supermercado» donde todo vale mientras se pueda comprar, donde ninguna decisión parece la acertada. Pero las cosas están cambiando. Sin líderes ni jefaturas, muchas personas están tomando el poder sobre sus vidas y tejiendo nuevas relaciones con significado: familiares sexuales, de amistad, ocio, trabajo, económicas o de consumo.
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