Guia Del Golfo

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Épocas Y Avances

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Libro Épocas Y Avances

Épocas y avances offers a communicative-humanistic approach to second language acquisition. It emphasizes particular aspects of the history, literature, art, society, geography, language, and culture of Spain and Latin America through a series of readings and related activities specifically designed to enhance linguistic proficiency. The cuaderno de trabajo is designed to: Reinforce and enhance the vocabulary and grammatical structures learned in the principal text Provide an additional review of fundamental concepts Offer oral comprehension practice with an original audio program for each unit Stimulate interest in the topics presented by encouraging additional research and investigation

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Titulo Alternativo : Lengua en Su Contexto Cultural

Total de páginas 304


  • Scott Gravina
  • Regina Schroeder
  • Isabel Jaen-portillo


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