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Erase Una Vez En Navidad

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Libro Erase Una Vez En Navidad

New York Times Bestselling Authors, Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward, bring you five sexy short stories to heat up your holidays! Sexy Scroog - The last thing I needed was to share an Uber with Scrooge--a cocky lawyer on a snowy Christmas Eve. It was bad enough I was on my way to court for the gift of eviction. Although maybe today wouldn't turn out so bad after all. The Sexy Scrooge and I started to connect as we trudged our way through a storm. Our ride was about to end. But would I ever see him again? The Merry Mistake - Note to self: Ask Santa for glasses this year. When I accidentally mistook a gorgeous man resting outside my building for a homeless person in need of lunch, we got into it. I'd only been trying to do a good deed around the holidays, but he called me righteous. I called him something far worse. If only I didn't have to see him again. But fate had other plans. Kissmas in New York - It was just supposed to be a simple kiss with a stranger. I'd done it to prove a point--that I hadn't lost my sense of adventure. But you know what they say about the best laid plans. Maybe I'd get something in my stocking after all this holiday season... The Christmas Pact - Riley Kennedy's emails keep getting crossed with her male colleague, Kennedy Riley. The infuriating man forwards them along with his annoying commentary and unsolicited advice. At least she never has to see him in person, since they work in different locations...until they come face to face at the office holiday party... Lights Out Love - Cole is utterly annoyed by his neighbor Josie's obnoxious Christmas display. When she blows out power on the street, he marches over and lets her know what he thinks of the mess she's made. But when the only generator in town brings the two nemeses together...the Christmas display isn't the only thing burning bright.

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  • Vi Keeland


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