Guia Del Golfo

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Invernando/ Wintering

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Libro Invernando/ Wintering

Un libro íntimo y revelador que explora las formas en que podemos cuidarnos y repararnos cuando la vida nos derriba. MÁS DE 250.000 EJEMPLARES VENDIDOS EN MENOS DE UN MES. A veces te escapas por las grietas: circunstancias imprevistas como una enfermedad repentina, la muerte de un ser querido, una ruptura o la pérdida del trabajo pueden descarrilar una vida. Estos períodos de dislocación pueden ser solitarios e inesperados. Para May, su esposo se enfermó, su hijo dejó de asistir a la escuela y sus propios problemas médicos la llevaron a dejar un trabajo exigente. Invernando explora cómo ella no solo soportó este doloroso momento, sino que aprovechó las oportunidades singulares que le ofrecía. Una conmovedora narración personal repleta de lecciones de la literatura, la mitología y el mundo natural, la historia de May ofrece instrucción sobre el poder transformador del descanso y el retiro. La iluminación surge de muchas fuentes: las celebraciones del solsticio y la hibernación del lirón, C.S. Lewis y Sylvia Plath, nadando en aguas heladas y navegando por los mares árticos. En última instancia, Invernando nos invita a cambiar la forma en que nos relacionamos con nuestros propios tiempos de barbecho. May modela una aceptación activa de la tristeza y encuentra alimento en un retiro profundo, alegría en la belleza silenciosa del invierno y estímulo para entender la vida como cíclica, no lineal. May, un místico secular, forma una filosofía rectora para transformar las dificultades que surgen antes del inicio de una nueva temporada. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! AS HEARD ON NPR MORNING EDITION AND ON BEING WITH KRISTA TIPPETT “Katherine May opens up exactly what I and so many need to hear but haven't known how to name.” —Krista Tippett, On Being “Every bit as beautiful and healing as the season itself. . . . This is truly a beautiful book.” —Elizabeth Gilbert "Proves that there is grace in letting go, stepping back and giving yourself time to repair in the dark...May is a clear-eyed observer and her language is steady, honest and accurate—capturing the sense, the beauty and the latent power of our resting landscapes." —Wall Street Journal An intimate, revelatory book exploring the ways we can care for and repair ourselves when life knocks us down. Sometimes you slip through the cracks: unforeseen circumstances like an abrupt illness, the death of a loved one, a break up, or a job loss can derail a life. These periods of dislocation can be lonely and unexpected. For May, her husband fell ill, her son stopped attending school, and her own medical issues led her to leave a demanding job. Wintering explores how she not only endured this painful time, but embraced the singular opportunities it offered. A moving personal narrative shot through with lessons from literature, mythology, and the natural world, May's story offers instruction on the transformative power of rest and retreat. Illumination emerges from many sources: solstice celebrations and dormice hibernation, C.S. Lewis and Sylvia Plath, swimming in icy waters and sailing arctic seas. Ultimately Wintering invites us to change how we relate to our own fallow times. May models an active acceptance of sadness and finds nourishment in deep retreat, joy in the hushed beauty of winter, and encouragement in understanding life as cyclical, not linear. A secular mystic, May forms a guiding philosophy for transforming the hardships that arise before the ushering in of a new season.

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Titulo Alternativo : El poder del descanso y del refugio en tiempos difíciles



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35 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Invernando

An intimate, revelatory book exploring the ways we can care for and repair ourselves when life knocks us down. Sometimes you slip through the cracks: unforeseen circumstances like an abrupt illness, the death of a loved one, a break up, or a job loss can derail a life. These periods of dislocation can be lonely and unexpected. For May, her husband fell ill, her son stopped attending school, and her own medical issues led her to leave a demanding job. Wintering explores how she not only endured this painful time, but embraced the singular opportunities it offered. A moving personal narrative...

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