La impronta del ladrillo
Sinopsis del Libro

Historical-documental biography of architect-engineer Antonio Arróniz Topete (b. Jalisco 1858-1926), "the engineer of red bricks". The book documents his life and work, considered to be of one of the most extensive and complete elaborated at the end of the Porfirio Diaz regime and the first decades of the 20th century in the State of Jalisco. The book studies his architectural legacy, such as the Ex Seminario Mayor de Guadalajara, transformed into the XV Zona Militar and now the Secretaría de Cultura of Jalisco, the Escuela de Artes y Oficios del Espíritu Santo (demolished in 1953), the dome of the Temple of El Sagrario Metropolitano, the Cervecería Estrella, and others.
Ficha del Libro
Titulo Alternativo : vida y obra de Antonio Arroniz Topete
Total de páginas 109
- Adriana Ruiz Razura
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