Guia Del Golfo

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Nueva historia manual de la literatura española

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Libro Nueva historia manual de la literatura española

The story of the remarkable friendship between the Langs and Morgans. A novel brimming with wisdom on subjects as diverse as writing for money, solid marriages and academic promotion policies.

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Total de páginas 394


  • Juan Chabás


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87 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Literatura Española

El amor, la inocencia y otros excesos

Libro El amor, la inocencia y otros excesos

Luciano G. Egido , autor de culto entre todos aquellos que lo conocen y han disfrutado de sus anteriores obras - El cuarzo rojo de Salamanca (Andanzas 184), una deslumbrante primera novela que mereció el Premio Miguel Delibes 1993 , El corazón inmóvil (Andanzas 235), con la que obtuvo el Premio de la Crítica en 1995 , y, en 1996, La fatiga del sol (Andanzas 283)-, nos sorprende ahora con El amor, la inocencia y otros excesos , una novela policiaca, pero también novela de amor, de recreación literaria a partir del mundo de Proust, escrita con el estilo hipnotizante a que nos tiene...

La urbanización decimonónica de Madrid

Libro La urbanización decimonónica de Madrid

Mariano José de Larra (1809-1837) was the most critical literary voice of the first third of the Spanish nineteenth century. Whether directed against censorship, the police and the Inquisition, or mypoic social attitudes and passing fads, his writings always showcased his unique, ironic and biting temperament. Moreover, many of his essays reflected the consequences of the ongoing urbanization of Madrid. The essays titled «Jardines públicos» (1834), «La fonda nueva» (1833), «Las casas nuevas» (1833), «La vida de Madrid» (1834) and «El día de Difuntos de 1836. Fígaro en el...

Miguel de Unamuno. Estudios sobre su obra.I

Libro Miguel de Unamuno. Estudios sobre su obra.I

Contains papers from the Jornadas Unamunianas held in Salamanca at the Casa-Museo Unamuno. Vol. 1 covers the 4th conference held Oct. 18th-20th, 2001. Vol. 2 covers the 5th conference held Oct. 23rd-25th, 2003. Vol. 3 covers the 6th conference. Vol. 4 covers the 7th conference held Sept. 27-29, 2007.

Late Medieval Spanish Studies in Honour of Dorothy Sherman Severin

Libro Late Medieval Spanish Studies in Honour of Dorothy Sherman Severin

Dorothy Sherman Severin, who retired in 2008 from the Gilmour Chair of Spanish at the University of Liverpool, is an internationally renowned scholar in the field of the Late Medieval literature of Spain, with particular expertise in the study of Celestina and of the Cancioneros. In this volume, nineteen of her academic admirers have contributed original chapters in her honour, mostly on these same topics, under the editorship of the Hispanist Joseph T. Snow and Professor Severin’s Liverpool colleague Roger Wright. The contributors are: Rafael Beltran, Patrizia Botta, Alan Deyermond, Louise ...

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