Guia Del Golfo

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Spanish Terminology for the Veterinary Team

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Spanish Terminology for the Veterinary Team

This convenient pocket guide is designed to help the entire veterinary team - veterinarians, veterinary technicians, assistants, and office staff - communicate more effectively with Spanish-speaking clients. It provides key Spanish grammar and pronunciation guidelines so users can formulate explanations, instructions, and questions in Spanish. Organized by how a practitioner interacts with a patient, following a logical order from the initial greeting, to taking the patient's history, positioning the patient for an examination, and then performing any kind of procedure Details key vocabulary and phrases for front office exchanges between clients and staff Terminology covers a variety of topics that are essential to effective communication in the veterinary office, related to both procedures and administration Includes several different ways to ask the same question so users will be able to select the expressions that they like best and find easiest to remember

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Total de páginas 626


  • C. Guillermo Couto


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