Guia Del Golfo

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Vivo cerca de un desierto (There's a Desert in My Backyard!)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Vivo cerca de un desierto (There's a Desert in My Backyard!)

Deserts are the driest places on Earth, but they’re full of life! Cacti, kangaroo rats, shrubs, foxes, and more have found ways to adapt to the extreme temperatures and dry conditions of deserts around the world. Readers learn about many of these adaptations as well as the major features of the desert biome. Simple maps highlight some of the biggest deserts, helping readers learn map skills. Full-color photographs reinforce accessible information about the desert ecosystem, including a concluding message of conservation.

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Total de páginas 26



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Vivo cerca de un bosque (There's a Forest in My Backyard!)

Libro Vivo cerca de un bosque (There's a Forest in My Backyard!)

Many people around the world live in the forest biome. That’s because temperate forests grow in places where winter isn’t too cold and summer isn’t too hot. Readers learn that we need to care for this biome that’s in so many backyards. Simple, accessible language describes common trees and characteristics of both evergreen and deciduous forests, and full-color photographs highlight their beauty. Animals and their adaptations to this biome are addressed in the main content as well.

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Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving) (Spanish Version)

Libro Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving) (Spanish Version)

Readers may never expect that they might free fall to Earth, but if they have ever dived into a pool, that's exactly what they've done. This Spanish-translated book shows readers how Newton's three laws of motion affect divers, skydivers, and mountain climbers' movements. Readers discover who uses gravity, who works against it, and all other forces that contribute to a successful dive or climb. After reading this Spanish-translated book, readers can decide if they will ever be interested in engaging in one of these extreme sports.

Cynthia Ann Parker

Libro Cynthia Ann Parker

Cynthia Ann Parkers family moved to Central Texas when she was about nine years old. A year later, a large force of Comanche warriors attacked Fort Parker and seized Cynthia Ann and four other captives. The other four were eventually released, but she lived among the Indians for 25 years, immersed in the Comanche way of life. Though given a number of opportunities to go back to her white family, she always chose her life with the Comanche, choosing instead to stay with her husband and children. She eventually returned to white society as an adult.

Arte para Todos

Libro Arte para Todos

Este libro contiene un itinerario metodológico para conocer las posibilidades de la enseñanza del arte y del patrimonio en diferentes contextos. Los escenarios: escuela, cárcel, calle e Internet marcan el perfil del modelo de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la educación formal, no formal e informal. El libro posee una cohesión interna, producto del trabajo de coordinación y de una nueva reescritura de las investigaciones o de la experiencia, donde los diferentes trabajos que constituyen cada capítulo se relacionan entre sí, proporcionando una lógica de conjunto. También la estructura...

Pío XII, la escolta mora y un general sin un ojo

Libro Pío XII, la escolta mora y un general sin un ojo

Francisco Umbral logra una crónica magistral de la adolescencia y la provincia que va desde el milagrismo de la guerra y la posguerra al realismo cotidiano de la pequeña ciudad; del cielo de España por el que volaban los obispos al infierno de los más duros trabajos de la época, pasando por el purgatorio de la adolescencia.Pío XII, Millán Astral, la Virgen de Fátima y la guardia mora de Franco transitan con naturalidad por esta obra brillante, irónica y melancólica que fue finalista del Premio Planeta 1985.

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