Guia Del Golfo

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Voces de mujer desde Túnez

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Voces de mujer desde Túnez

Resum: Les dones de Tunísia manifesten la lluita que s'esdevé en elles per aconseguir la llibertat i la igualtat respecte l'home. La dona se sent en els límits de la desil·lusió i, és per això, que opta per oposar-se a les tradicions i als tabús.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : (cuentos)

Total de páginas 101


  • Arusiyya Al- Naluti
  • Rosario Montoro Murillo


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Libro Busca los animales de tu ciudad

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Introduce little ones to the vowels through the help of La Catrina in both English and Spanish! Don't forget to round out the o for ofrenda, and carefully sound out your i for iluminación just in time to light the way to the celebrations. Inspired by one of the strongest icons of Día de Muertos or "Day of the Dead," this book introduces little ones to the vowels in both English and Spanish - and teaches them to recognize them by the sound they make! This book is perfect for parents to guide their little ones through the vowels in both English and Spanish, as well as introduce them to the...

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