Guia Del Golfo

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¿Caimán o cocodrilo? (Alligator or Crocodile?)

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Libro ¿Caimán o cocodrilo? (Alligator or Crocodile?)

If a person were ever face-to-face with a huge, hungry animal with sharp teeth, they probably wouldn’t care exactly what that animal was! But from a safe location, can we tell whether it was a crocodile or alligator that wanted to take a bite? By examining their jaw structure, teeth, and other physical features, we can easily tell these two animals apart! Graphic organizers and amazing images highlight each animal’s habitat and other small differences between the two fearsome creatures, showing readers just what creature is lurking below the waters.

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Total de páginas 26



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¿Foca o león marino? (Seal or Sea Lion?)

Libro ¿Foca o león marino? (Seal or Sea Lion?)

What’s the difference between a seal and a sea lion? These “second cousins” of the sea look similar, but there are many ways to tell these creatures apart. From ear shape to the noises they make to communicate, seals and sea lions are amazing creatures with both shared features and many truly unique attributes. They both share an ocean habitat, but when readers take a closer look, it’s easy to discover how they each fight off predators, mate, and raise their young in different ways. Captivating full-color photographs help to bring these marvelous mammals to vivid life.

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Libro Un día de trabajo: Médico de emergencias (All in a Day's Work: ER Doctor) (Spanish Version)

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Arthur Nicolaier (1862-1942)

Libro Arthur Nicolaier (1862-1942)

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