Guia Del Golfo

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A que si!

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Libro A que si!

A QUE SÍ! is a provocative post-intermediate Spanish conversation book designed to increase students' awareness of Hispanic culture. The text encourages critical thinking while challenging the students' ability to express themselves in Spanish, by providing them with an opportunity for in-depth exploration of relevant contemporary issues. The Fourth Edition presents four main themes around which all the text and supplemental materials revolve: Espacios: Publicos y privados, Encuentros y desencuentros, Patria/Nacion: Acercamientos, and De acá para allá. Each thematic unit is supported by creative activities and engaging authentic materials. Both Spain and Latin American countries are represented, as are male and female writers, and a few of the different ethnic groups that comprise Hispanic culture. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 288


  • M. Victoria García-serrano
  • Cristina De La Torre
  • Annette Grant Cash


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