Guia Del Golfo

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Breve historia de la música

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Breve historia de la música

Este music logo franc s ha escrito un completo manual de iniciaci n a la m sica, a trav s del panorama hist rico por el que se detiene a explicar el desarrollo, tendencias, figuras, composiciones y g neros que han dado a este arte el rango que ha gozado durante milenios.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 240


  • Norbert Dufourcq


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82 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Música

La guitarra

Libro La guitarra

Este libro es un acercamiento a la guitarra dentro del ámbito de la música occidental que de manera general solemos denominar música clásia. En él encontrarás los aspectos que han marcado su evolución, descubrirás cómo el instrumento se ha transformado desde el siglo XVI a nuestros días y cómo se ha perfeccionado la forma de escribir la música. También conocerás a los principales procagoniscas de la historia de la guitarra: guitarristas, compositores, constructores y teóricos del instrumento.

Mujeres Del Rock

Libro Mujeres Del Rock

When thinking of rock legends, a few names like Elvis, Jagger or Lennon pop up. Rock would not be how we know it today if not for the powerful influences many women have contributed to its rebellious style and combative generation. This book is a historic and chronological tour from the 20's to current day about the most important and influential women in rock history.

The Bluegrass Violin - El Violín en el Bluegrass

Libro The Bluegrass Violin - El Violín en el Bluegrass

The endlessly energetic duo of Oriol Saña and Lluís Gómez have created a charming and informative account of the musical phenomenon we call bluegrass. Originally a quirky supercharged folk music played by about ten people, bluegrass music, with its Mozart-like formality and ferocious rhythmic zest, now describes an extended international family of related string band styles. Master fiddler Oriol and bluegrass banjoist Lluís, both acclaimed educators, present both the wide view and crucial details about this music in a clear, personable manner. Bravo! Includes access to online audio. El...

Musicology and Sister Disciplines

Libro Musicology and Sister Disciplines

Drawing on the work of leading experts from around the globe, Musicology and Sister Disciplines provides the definitive, authoritative statement on the scope of musicology today and its relationship to other fields of academic endeavour, including philosophy and aesthetics, literary studies, art history, mathematics, computer science, historiography, and sociology. These groundbreaking papers represent the outcome of a major musicological conference in 1997, and include contributions from the philosopher Bernard Williams and world-famous mathematician Roger Penrose.

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