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Burroughs y Kerouac

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Libro Burroughs y Kerouac

Burroughs and Kerouac: Two Outsiders Lost in Mexico This edition comprises two texts that explore the voyages of William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, who traveled to Mexico half a century ago: The Lost Bullet (1995 Malcolm Lowry Prize for Literary Essay) and The Disguise of Innocence. "I have left both texts intact," says Jorge Garca-Robles, "thinking that they were written in a specific time and space, and this makes them irreducible." This book combines, in an admirable and spontaneous manner, the portraits of two sui generis outsiders. Our backdrop consists of deserted landscapes, hallucinogens, and urban areas where refuge can only be found in saloons, harsh streets, the lower urban depths, the courts, and prison. William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac used their Mexican trips as inspiration for literary material that, with time, has become legendary. Thanks to his exhaustive research and access to the authors' personal archives, Garca-Robles has admirably documented and recreated the enigmatic and vibrant voyages of these two unusual masters of contemporary literature.

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Total de páginas 304


  • Jorge Garcia Robles


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