Guia Del Golfo

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El cielo nocturno

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Libro El cielo nocturno

Students Will Love Learning More About Our Earth, Moon, And Stars In This Title. It Gives Information On The Phases Of The Moon, The Constellations Of Stars That We See In The Night Sky, Comets And Meteors, And What Exactly Happens During A Lunar Eclipse.

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Titulo Alternativo : The Night Sky

Total de páginas 24



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Los fósiles y las rocas

Libro Los fósiles y las rocas

This Ever Popular Subject Is Explained In Detail In This Wonderful Book. How The Earth Is Made From Rock, The Three Different Types Of Rock And How They Are Made And Where They Can Be Found. Talks About How Fossils Are Formed From Sediment And What Role That Plays In Helping Us Learn About Life Long Ago. Talks About How These Fossilized Plants And Animals Became The Fossil Fuels That Are So Important To Our Present And Future Life On Earth.

El maravilloso ciclo del agua

Libro El maravilloso ciclo del agua

Three Quarters Of Our Earth Is Blanketed By Water. How This Water Is Used, From Bathing To Irrigating Crops Is Addressed. That Water Travels In A Never-Ending Pattern Called The Water Cycle. Tips On How To Conserve Our Most Important Natural Resource Are Included.

Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

¡Analízalo! (Analyze It!)

Libro ¡Analízalo! (Analyze It!)

Introduce students to the scientific method with this Spanish science reader that features easy-to-read text. This book teaches important scientific topics and vocabulary terms including hypothesis, data, experiment, conclusion, method, research, and more. Nonfiction text features include a glossary, index, and detailed images to facilitate close reading and help students connect back to the text. Aligned to state and national standards, the book also includes a fun and engaging science experiment to develop critical thinking and help students practice what they have learned.

Rolf & Flor en el círculo polar

Libro Rolf & Flor en el círculo polar

Rolf y Flor vuelven a vivir una aventura juntos. Esta vez se van de campamento de verano al círculo polar. Allí descubren un entorno mágico y único. La naturaleza adquiere protagonismo en esta nueva entrega: los días sin noche, los lagos de agua caliente, la aurora boreal, el bosque... Durante quince días nuestros amiguitos conocerán a niños de otros lugares del mundo y vivirán una experiencia inolvidable. La amistad de Rolf y Flor seguirá creciendo y consolidándose. Letras divertidas y originales harán las delicias de niños y padres. Además, este libro bilingüe (castellano e...

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