Guia Del Golfo

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El sonido viaja

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El sonido viaja

GRADES K–2: Bring Spanish into the classroom! Introduce early elementary students to the topic of sound waves with this science-themed Spanish title. FEATURES: Kids will learn about how we send and recieve sound waves and complete an activity that supports further comprehension. EARLY BILINGUAL LITERACY: Help young learners strengthen their bilingual skills—add the English version of this title into your collection, too. WHY MY PHYSICAL SCIENCE LIBRARY: This collection introduces a variety of science topics while presenting complicated information in easy-to-understand language and kid-friendly examples.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Sound Moves

Total de páginas 24



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70 Valoraciones Totales

Más obras de Pablo De La Vega

Hiena moteada

Libro Hiena moteada

GRADES PK–2: This 16-page Spanish title (8’’ x 8’’) introduces early readers to the spotted hyena: how they find food, interact with social groups, and more! FEATURES: Simple Spanish text and vivid photos present fascinating facts about an amazing African animal. Comprehension questions are included to advance learning. EARLY BILINGUAL LITERACY: Help young learners strengthen their bilingual skills—add the English version of this title into your collection, too. BUILD A LIBRARY: Collect every title from the collection to stock your home or classroom library. Reading together is a...

Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

La antigua Grecia (Ancient Greece)

Libro La antigua Grecia (Ancient Greece)

From art and architecture to politics, philosophy, and mathematics, "western civilization" owes a great deal to the achievements of ancient Greece, but what do we really know about this long-gone civilization? How did geography influence the politics of the Greek city-states? What's the difference between an agora and an acropolis? This book takes readers several thousand years into the past, when independent city-states ruled the Mediterranean Sea, to find the answers. Full-color photographs and maps, accompanied by accessible text, introduce readers to the many contributions the ancient...

Platero y yo y otras poesías para niños

Libro Platero y yo y otras poesías para niños

Juan Ramón Jiménez (1881-1958), premio Nobel de Literatura en 1956, fue un hombre hipersensible hasta extremos enfermizos y esto le llevó a gozar y a sufrir mucho más que la mayoría. Su vida estuvo marcada por los continuos viajes; sin embargo, siempre qu

Viaje al centro del Verne desconocido

Libro Viaje al centro del Verne desconocido

Acuciosa biografía de Jules Verne, el autor de los Viajes Extraordinarios, enriquecida con textos e información novedosa. Constituye un mágico paseo por los sinuosos y complejos acontecimientos vitales que propiciaron la creación de su obra.

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