Guia Del Golfo

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¡Trabajo salvaje! Entrenadores de animales (Wild Work! Animal Trainers) (Spanish Version)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¡Trabajo salvaje! Entrenadores de animales (Wild Work! Animal Trainers) (Spanish Version)

Animal trainers care for many different types of animals! Children will explore some of the methods that trainers use, such as affection bonding and classical and operant conditioning, while simultaneously gaining an understanding of animal instincts and animal rehabilitation. Readers are invited to learn about the variety of animals that trainers work with and are encouraged to find an area of study to focus on if they want to become an animal trainer. With stunning images, interesting facts, a glossary of useful terms, informational text, and an interview with a real-life animal trainer, this fascinating title will intrigue and delight readers. This title has been translated into Spanish.

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