Guia Del Golfo

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Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Fotografía

Exhibition highlights of the international photographic collection of the Foundation Televisa in Mexico with text by 81 prestigious writers. Each writer was given a copy of a photograph from the collection (from 1840-contemporary digital works) and asked to write an essay. Some of the photographers include: Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Anton Bruehl, Robert Capa, Gisele Fruend, Graciela Itrubide, Alfred Stieglitz, Cindy Sherman, Tina Modotti. Some of the writers include: Dore Ahston, Amitav Ghosh, Alvaro Mutis, Hugh Thomas, Jorge Volpi, Mike Wallace, Elena Poniatowska.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 195


  • Paulina Rocha Cito
  • Fundación Televisa


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91 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Bogotá 360°

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Libro Todo ángel es terrible

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Pasos. Un recorrido visual por la Universidad de Cantabria

Libro Pasos. Un recorrido visual por la Universidad de Cantabria

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