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Henry Ford Y El Automóvil Modelo T

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Libro Henry Ford Y El Automóvil Modelo T

Describes the impact of the Ford Model T automobile and the assembly line that built it on the automotive industry and American society, and recounts the life and career of their inventor, Henry Ford.

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Total de páginas 24


  • Monica L. Rausch


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Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

Una ayuda para ver mejor: Read-Along eBook

Libro Una ayuda para ver mejor: Read-Along eBook

Over the years, people have looked for ways to improve our imperfect sight. This has led us to the world of optics, which is the study of light and how it travels. What are some of these innovations that have changed how we see the world, and how do they work? Find the answers to these questions with this Smithsonian Informational Text! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this text builds students' reading skills while engaging their curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides students through every step...

Hablemos claro: La verdad sobre la comida

Libro Hablemos claro: La verdad sobre la comida

Read Along or Enhanced eBook: Encourage readers to discover which foods are healthy for them and how to make the best food choices with this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Featuring helpful charts and diagrams, interesting facts, informational text, and vibrant, detailed photos, readers are introduced to important concepts such as main food groups, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, the recommended daily amounts, food allergies, and health concerns. With supportive and helpful language, readers are encouraged to make healthy eating choices to help keep them active, energetic, and strong.

LA FE “El Don De Dios”

Libro LA FE “El Don De Dios”

En este libro aprenderás muchas cosas referente a la fe. Sobretodo, entenderás que la Fe no es Don de nosotros, sino que es Don de Dios para que nadie se Gloríe. Además de, que por medio de ella somos justificados para salvación. Espero sea de gran edificación para tu espíritu y actives tu fe de manera Sobrenatural


Libro Epigramas

"Estos son los poemas breves de su epoca de juventud, que fueron anos de enamoramientos y de actividad rebelde contra Somoza. Algunos de estos poemas son amorosos y otros politicos, y tambien algunos a la vez amorosos y politicos."

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