Guia Del Golfo

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Los sonidos del zoológico/Sounds Around the Zoo

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Libro Los sonidos del zoológico/Sounds Around the Zoo

Learn about sounds with animal pals! First, read the story in Spanish. Then, flip to the next page and read it again in English. Comparing words in both languages helps early readers with comprehension and literacy. Plus, bright animal illustrations encourage a love of storytime.

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Los hogares de los animales/Animal Homes

Libro Los hogares de los animales/Animal Homes

Where do these animal families live? First, read the story in Spanish. Then, flip to the next page and read it again in English. Comparing words in both languages helps early readers with comprehension and literacy. Plus, bright animal illustrations encourage a love of storytime.

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Mi amigo está triste (Spanish Edition)

Libro Mi amigo está triste (Spanish Edition)

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Yupiyupiya! / Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Torre de Papel Naranja) Spanish Edition

Libro Yupiyupiya! / Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Torre de Papel Naranja) Spanish Edition

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Julio Verne 7. Viaje a la Luna

Libro Julio Verne 7. Viaje a la Luna

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