Madurez. La Responsabilidad de Ser Uno Mismo
Sinopsis del Libro
En este libro Osho nos demuestra c�mo la obsesi�n de nuestra sociedad por no envejecer nos hace olvidar el significado de crecer y los beneficios que s�lo la madurez nos puede aportar. Destaca tambi�n las ventajas que solo se pueden alcanzar dejando ir la obsesi�n por la juventud. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In a culture infatuated with youth and determined to avoid old age at all costs, this book dares to raise a question that has been all but forgotten in the age of Viagra and cosmetic surgery. What benefits might lie in accepting the aging process as natural, rather than trying to hold on to youth and its pleasures all the way to the grave? Osho takes us back to the roots of what it means to grow up rather than just to grow old. Both in our relationships with others, and in the fulfillment of our own individual destinies, he reminds us of the pleasures that only true maturity can bring. He outlines the ten major growth cycles in human life, from the selfcentered universe of the preschooler to the flowering of wisdom and compassion in old age. Osho's sly sense of humor runs like a red thread through the book, along with a profound compassion and understanding of how easy it is to be distracted from the deeper meaning and purpose of our lives-which is, ultimately, to flower into our own individual uniqueness and maturity with an attitude of celebration and joy.
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