Guia Del Golfo

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Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2023

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Libro Manual católico para visitar a los enfermos 2023

This portable manual contains all the Rites for blessing, anointing and bringing the Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. The rites include Communion in Ordinary Circumstances, Communion in a Hospital or Institution, Celebration of Viaticum outside Mass, Orders for the Blessing of the Sick, Visits to the Sick and to a Sick Child, and Pastoral Care of the Dying. The book also provides the Gospel reading for each Sunday and day of obligation of the liturgical year C, so that the Bread of the Word strengthens the Catholic faithful. The introduction helps ministers to prepare an environment of prayer and respond to special or unforeseen circumstances of this ministry. A list of patron saints for those who are sick and suffering closes this important resource.

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  • Francisco Javier Barragán Quintero


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