Guia Del Golfo

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¿Por qué celebramos el Día de Martin Luther King Jr.? (Why Do We Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?)

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Libro ¿Por qué celebramos el Día de Martin Luther King Jr.? (Why Do We Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day?)

Each year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as a reminder of the life and work of one of America's greatest civil rights activists. In this informative book, readers will learn about the importance of the civil rights movement and why we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Full-color photographs accompany the text. This essential book features accessible language that is ideal for children in the early stages of learning to read.

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Total de páginas 26


  • Michaela Seymour


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Otros libros de Juvenil No Ficción

Cómo dibujar manga shojo

Libro Cómo dibujar manga shojo

Se trata de un manual con el que los lectores aprenderán los principio básicos para dibujar manga shojo. El libro describe detalladamente cómo dibujar la cabeza, el cuerpo y los ojos de las shojos y de los bishies, rasgos generales como la ropa y toda una serie de personajes típicos como las chicas mágicas y los chicos querreros. El manual también incluye información sobre escenas, planos, encuadres, ángulos, perspectivas, onomatopeyas, bocadillos de texto y múltiples efectos especiales para diseñar una novela gráfica dentro del género manga shojo.

Cómo se hacen los crayones (Making Crayons)

Libro Cómo se hacen los crayones (Making Crayons)

Learn how crayons are made with this fun and informative STEAM book! Perfect for kindergarteners, this title makes it easy for parents and teachers to introduce STEAM to their youngest learners. Created in collaboration with Smithsonian, this Spanish book uses real-world examples to make STEAM topics easier to understand. It features an age-appropriate STEAM activity that is ideal for makerspaces and introduces English language learners to the steps of the engineering design process. It helps beginning readers learn to read and is ideal for children ages 4-6.

Me Pasan Cosas...

Libro Me Pasan Cosas...

You re growing up and your body is changing. If you re a girl, you re likely experiencing the start of menstruation, your breasts are making themselves known, and you re noticing new hair that you might want to be rid of. If you re a boy, you may be experiencing something strange as you sleep, or sweating a lot and not wanting to shower. This book is a complete guide to the terrible and marvelous world of puberty."

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