Guia Del Golfo

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A Special Prince Is Born Something exciting was happening in the big wildlife animal preserve. You could hear it first in the tumbling of the brooks and the waterfalls, and then in the rustling of tiny feet scurrying here and there throughout the forests and across the meadows. You could also see it in the bright green and yellow colors appearing across the valleys and on the lofty meadows, and then in the soft gold light that was replacing some of the shadows in the vast forests on the mountainsides. Even on most of the mountaintops, against the smooth, brilliant white of the snow, gold, rusty orange, red, and silver gray jagged peaks and bumps were appearing. Across the sky, bright sunlight was peeking through the gray clouds more and more each day, gradually turning the sky to blue and the clouds to white and fluffy. Soon on the meadow, tiny purple, blue, yellow, red, and white flowers were popping up everywhere, right through the melting snow. You could even smell it in the pungent, bittersweet fragrance wafting through the air and feel it like a soft, warm blanket. Signs could be found all over the preserve, indicating that the long winter had ended. It was the beginning of spring. *** Buy the book for the rest of the story.

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Total de páginas 238


  • Barbi Mcgee


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