Guia Del Golfo

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Chile y la Isla dePascua

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Chile y la Isla dePascua

Lonely Planet is about to add a new language to the set of English and French-language travel guides currently available under the LP brand. We've joined forces with Editorial GeoPlaneta, the travel publishing imprint of the Planeta Group in Spain, to publish a range of Lonely Planet products in the Spanish language. It was not only their name we liked, but their guidebook publishing expertise and commitment to delivering quality travel information. More importantly, they'll also help make sure our products are products are adapted in the right way for Spanish travellers -- whether based in Spain, the US or Latin America. We're launching the venture this season with 12 new titles in Spanish from the Lonely Planet travel guide range. A new website ( will also provide travellers with updated information on the destinations covered by the Spanish titles and a forum for swapping stories and news with others from the Spanish traveller community.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 624


  • Wayne Bernhardson
  • Lonely Planet Publications (firma)


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56 Valoraciones Totales

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"A collection of significant essays analyzing the multifaceted process of decentralization. Contains detailed proposals for the consolidation of local and regional autonomy and finance"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.


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