Guia Del Golfo

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El poder de las chicas

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro El poder de las chicas

Provides encouragement and advice for facing life's challenges, just for girls, with blank spaces to fill in goals and accomplishments.

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Total de páginas 63


  • Ashley Rice


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90 Valoraciones Totales

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El mercado de productos agrícolas (Farmers Market)

Libro El mercado de productos agrícolas (Farmers Market)

Practice standard measurement at a farmers market! This engaging title teaches young readers how to measure common food items by their height, circumference, and more, improving their mathematical and STEM skills! Vibrant images, practical examples, and simple mathematical charts help children use standard measurements, showing them how they can use these measurements in their daily lives.

Tu mundo: Secretos de los supermercados: Multiplicación (Your World: Shopping Secrets: Multiplication)

Libro Tu mundo: Secretos de los supermercados: Multiplicación (Your World: Shopping Secrets: Multiplication)

Learn multiplication on a fun-filled trip to the supermarket! The displays, shelves, and layout of a local grocery store provide ample opportunities for students to learn multiplication as they are engaged in reading high-interest content. This Spanish book combines mathematics and literacy skills, and uses practical, real-world examples of problem solving to teach math and language arts content. The full-color images, math graphs and charts, and practice problems make learning math easy and fun. The table of contents, glossary, and index will further understanding of math and reading...

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